Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
Do you have a current skincare routine? If not, are you thinking about how to treat your skin better? Regardless of your age-whether you are 18 or 80–you should concentrate on your skin’s overall health and beauty as much as you do for the rest of your body! One product that basically everyone on the internet is in love with is Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. The company itself label’s its product as the “world’s most powerful facial.” With that type of claim, why would you not want to try this product?
You can get a basic 1 pound jar of this healing clay facial powder for less than $10.00 on Amazon. You would also need apple cider vinegar and something to apply it with (plastic ware – like a plastic knife would work in a pinch). Each one-pound jar should net you at least 10 – 15 facials. For pricing comparisons, if you went to a spa for one facial, you would spend a minimum of $35.00, but depending upon the spa and the package, you could pay as much as $250.00 for a facial.
7 Benefits of Bentonite Clay
This facial is made out of 100% bentonite clay, which has many benefits and uses. Let’s talk about why using this as your prime ingredient for a facial can benefit you and your skin.
Detoxifies Your Skin:
One of the reasons so many people are drawn to this facial is that the bentonite clay will detoxify your skin. When you apply the facial, the clay will absorb oil, bacteria, and toxins from your skin. This happens because bentonite clay has a strong negative electrical charge, and toxins have a positive charge. When they meet, the negative charge (the clay facial) will draw in the positive charge (toxins), and they will bond. When you wash the face mask off your skin, you will be removing the toxins as well.
Reduces Acne:
As this clay removes bacteria and toxins from your skin, it can help reduce future breakouts. However, the extra exciting thing is that people who suffer from acne do not just have an issue with new pimples and blemishes but the scars they leave behind. This facial will help heal the skin and reduce inflammation. This will result in a reduction of scar tissue, taking away or diminishing the red marks on your face from past outbreaks.
Evens Out Your Skin Tone:
Using this facial will help revert your skin back to the clear perfection of when you were younger. As a child and early teen, you have soft skin with an even tone. However, as you age and face problems like blemishes, acne breakouts, and exposure to the elements, your skin became damaged. Although it is not possible to turn back the hands of time, you can still improve the health of your skin and fix the uneven skin tone you are now facing. Using this clay will help remove dead skin cells so that newer skin can grow, which will look healthy and more even.
Cleanse and Exfoliates:
Giving your skin a deep cleanse and taking the time to properly exfoliate your skin is part of any healthy skincare routine. I know it might seem a little weird to use clay or a different heavy material to accomplish this goal, but it works! The way that this clay binds to the toxins on your skin makes this an effective facial. By removing excess oil from your skin, you will be able to unclog your pores and remove the materials that cause acne, blackheads, and whiteheads.
Cleans Out Your Pores:
Using the clay will remove the oil and toxins, which will clean out your pores. When your pores are cleaned out, they will become healthy and close back up tight the way they are meant to be. In addition, clean and closed pores will help you avoid future skin blemishes in between facials.
Softens Your Skin:
Using this specific type of clay in your facial will help you get softer skin. Bentonite clay has a lot of the trace mineral of silica. This mineral strengthens connective tissue, including ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and bones. Besides that, it makes your skin really soft. This mineral is readily absorbed into your skin, giving its smooth and silky feel. If you want to add even more silica, you can add silica-rich foods to your diet, such as garbanzo beans, green beans, leeks, asparagus, and mangos.
Makes Your Skin Glow:
Finally, using this Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay can make your skin glow, especially if you use it regularly. The clay will remove all the toxins and chemical buildups on your face while nourishing your skin.
How Hard is it to Use the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay for Facials?
Now that you see all the benefits and how affordable it is, you must be wondering how hard it is to use and how much time this skincare routine will steal from your already busy schedule. The good news is not a lot at all! The whole process does not take more than 30 minutes every time you give yourself a facial, and 10 – 20 minutes of that is having the mask on and waiting to remove it.
It is super easy to give yourself this facial.
What You Will Need
A jar of Aztec Secret Indian Clay
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and/or water
1 non-metal bowl
1 utensil/applicator
All can be found on Amazon in the kit featured below. Just click on photo
How To Use This At-Home Facial:
In your non-metal bowl, mix the clay with equal parts apple cider vinegar or water to form a paste. Add more clay or liquid if needed. Apply to your face in a ¼ inch to ½ inch thickness and let dry. Leave on skin for 10 minutes for sensitive skin, 20 minutes for normal skin. Remove with warm water.
When it is on your skin, you will feel tightening and pulling sensations. This is normal. You will also feel your face pulsate when it is on your face.
That is it – see how easy the preparation and application process is?
Pro Tip: Although this is an excellent product for facials, your skin may feel dry afterward. I recommend that after you remove the mask to apply a moisturizing serum or lotion to your skin.
How Often Should You Use it?
So how often should you give yourself this type of facial? Different people have different ideas on this. Some people who did not see a noticeable difference were trying to use it once in a while. However, most people recommend that you start with the 7-day challenge. When you first use this product, give yourself a facial for 7 days straight. After the first 7 days, you will see a noticeable difference as the excessive bacteria, toxins, and oil has now been removed from your face. After 7 days, you can scale back to using it once a week, or more often if you have problem areas on your face you are specifically working on.
Can I use This Clay for Anything Else?
Although the facial in itself is incredible for this price range, there are other things you can use this product for, including:
Insect bites.
Foot soaks.
Clay baths.
With over 15,000 positive reviews on the internet for this product, including more than 1500 on Amazon alone, this is a must-try product for anyone serious about the health of their skin and their skincare routine.
Click on picture for product link at Amazon”