The highly acclaimed reality show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (RHOBH), returned for the second season of glitz, glamour, and high drama on September 5, 2011, in Bravo. The show, which was mostly shot in Beverly Hills, California, follows the lives of Taylor, Camille, Adrienne, Kim, Kyle, and Lisa as the original over-the-top housewives.
The show consists of 24 episodes, with two new supporting characters, Brandi Glanville and Dana Wilkey, introduced to the series as “Friends of the Housewives.” After season two, Camille exits the show’s main cast, but she later appears as a friend and guest.
The show was re-edited following the suicide of Taylor Armstrong’s husband, Russell, on Monday, August 15, 2011.
Here is an overview of season two, with the new supporting characters and top casts who know how to spice things up in the world’s most renowned land of Beverly Hills.
Top Cast
The second season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills had all the six original over-the-top housewives from season one returned. Among the casts were two new casts, Brandi Glanville and Dana Wilkey, who were introduced to the show as “friends of the housewives.”
Brandi Glanville joined the cast having a friendship with Maloof and history with some of the other cast members, including Cedric. She also has a lengthy runway career as a high fashion model, having worked as a high fashion model for various companies such as Glamour and Cosmopolitan – American monthly fashion and entertainment magazines for women. Glanville joined the cast shortly after the divorce from Eddie Cibrian.
Dana Wilkey guest-starred on the first season as the event organizer for Taylor’s lavish tea party. As an event planner, Wilkey enjoys planning all kinds of events, from children’s events, premieres to elaborate parties across the United States and Europe. She is the President and founder of the Adwil Agency, Inc., a web app development firm based in Beverly Hills, California, USA.
The show begins with Adrienne throwing a lavishing dinner party to celebrate Camille’s guest appearance on a major sitcom, but there’s plenty of drama when genuine feelings surface and friendships fall apart. This is after Kyle and her husband begin the season by packing up their home to move to a much larger house while Kyle and her sister Kim make an attempt to move on from the events of season one. Grammer prefers to deal with living alone on a vast property in her new life as a single woman.
Maloof introduces Jackpot, her new puppy, whom she believes will challenge Vanderpump’s dog, Giggy, at the dinner party. Taylor admits that she is building on her relationship with her husband and even going to relationship counseling. Still, Todd, Lisa’s husband, surprises the others by implying that couple’s counseling makes you weak. After Todd offends Taylor, she leaves the table and rushes to the bathroom, leaving Lisa feeling uncomfortable about her bond with Kyle.
During a visit to Grammer’s soon-to-be-sold property in Colorado, Taylor discusses some serious issues in her marriage. Taylor attends a tea party held by Lisa with the other ladies, and it is at the tea party, she discloses her true feelings for Lisa. Taylor alleges that the other ladies have not been supportive of her feelings and that they have all had harsh things to say about Vanderpump. Upon returning, the ladies interrogate Armstrong about her marital problems and inconsistencies. Camille exits after stating Taylor must be truthful and divulging Taylor’s marital secrets. Taylor wishes to put the situation behind her after the tea party and organize her daughter’s birthday party.
Armstrong and Grammer’s feud worsens at a Glanville-hosted house party in Malibu, where Armstrong collapses, and Glanville asks her to leave. After Grammer receives a lawsuit from Armstrong’s spouse, Armstrong is barred from attending Kyle’s yearly white party, and the other ladies fear they will be next.
While the other ladies travel to Hawaii, Armstrong remains in Beverly Hills to concentrate on her rocky marriage. Taylor comes with her psychiatrist at the Vanderpump’s launch party with apparent bruising beneath her eye. The ladies confront her about the contradicting stories of her marriage, and Armstrong admits to having left Russel, her husband who had assaulted her.
The Best Episodes to Rewatch
Drama, backstabbing, and fantastic moments are just a few of the treasures that Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season two has to offer.
The show gives viewers a look inside the world of lavish affluence and luxurious privilege, where being seen and who you know is everything. These women are at the center of everything, and they have big houses, vehicles, and jewelry to prove it.
Let’s take a look at the best episodes of the show’s season two.
Back to Beverly Hills: S02 E01
The Beverly Hills Housewives are back for a second season of sparkle and beauty. The ladies attend a lavish dinner party at Adrienne’s home to commemorate Camille’s guest appearance on a famous comedy in the first episode.
However, tensions increase, and actual feelings emerge, indicating what might be a significant split in the girls’ friendships.
Let The Games Begin: S02 E06
In this episode, Dana Wilkey wanted to throw a game night for all of the women. However, this game night was everything but enjoyable as Kim and Kyle looked to have a particular grudge against Brand, the group’s newest member, and were purposely ignoring her.
Brandi later called them out, particularly Kim’s inebriated conduct, and it erupted into an argument that viewers will never forget.
The Opposite of Relaxation: S02 E08
Adrienne organizes a spa party invites the ladies over for a day of relaxing at her magnificent home. However, no one is relaxing because Kim and Kyle are still upset over what Brandi said during game night.
Malibu Beach Party From Hell: S02 E14
Brandi attempts to plan a beautiful party for the ladies at a Malibu beach house, but tensions between Taylor and Grammer reach a breaking point, and they begin insulting each other. Grammer seemed to have her friends do all her dirty work for her, sending Taylor into a tailspin. She began sobbing, pointing her finger at Grammer.
The Beverly Hills Housewives got its second season spin-off with two recurring cast ladies who know how to spice things up in Beverly Hills. While the cast of ladies changed in the season’s introduction, the friendship, lavish vacations, and fascinating drama has stayed constant. From heiresses to business owners to a family of child actors, the show two has it all.
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