The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, an American reality TV series, aired its debut season on October 14, 2010, in Bravo – a television network owned by NBC Universal. The first season consists of 17 episodes and stars various famous faces, including Kim Richards, Adrienne Maloof, Taylor Armstrong, Lisa Vanderpump, and Camille Grammer.
The show was mostly shot in Beverly Hills, California, whereby Lisa Shannon, Andrew Hoegl, Pam Healy, Andy Cohen, and Barrie Bernstein served as executive producers. Like every other Real Housewives series, the first season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills features some of the most dramatic moments in the show’s history, as we will see in this article.
With that in mind, we will touch on the show’s top casts, season one summary, awards, and the most iconic episodes of the season.
Top Cast
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills introduced six women to the world of the Real Housewives franchise, describing them as the most affluent women in America. They were also described as having the most expensive homes in the country.
Kyle Richards was the first woman to be cast after being noticed on the Hilton Sisters Episode of E! True Hollywood Story. She then introduced her sister Kim Richard to producers, who was also cast in the first season.
Following The Real Housewives of New Jersey, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was the second series in The Real Housewives franchise to feature family members. Adrienne Maloof, Taylor Armstrong, Lisa Vanderpump, and Camille Grammer also appeared in the series’s first season.
This reality spin-off follows six well-to-do women who live in the verdant land of Beverly Hills. The wives, who include siblings and former child stars Kyle and Kim Richards, entrepreneur Adrienne Maloof, British restaurateur Lisa Vanderpump, Oklahoma native Taylor Armstrong, and model-actress Camille Grammer, are introduced in the series premiere.
The season begins with Adrienne Maloof, whose family owns the Palms Casino Resort, and the Sacramento Kings – a professional basketball team, decides to take the rest of the wives on a private jet trip to get VIP treatment and sit courtside at a Sacramento King’s game against the Los Angeles Lakers.
It may be Easter weekend in Beverly Hills; however, that doesn’t imply there isn’t any drama. Adrienne is on her way to Las Vegas for an Easter shoot with a handsome male model, but she unwillingly chooses to bring her husband, Paul, with her.
Meanwhile, Kyle and Kim begin arguing at their family’s Palm Desert vacation house when Kyle accuses Kim of having no life outside of her children. Later, at a spa for Kim’s daughter’s birthday, the argument worsens. Tensions between the two siblings keep rising after Kim refuses to defend Kyle against Grammer in New York City.
At a rooftop party for Armstrong’s birthday, the two sisters’ relationship reaches an explosive tipping point. Kyle accuses Kim of taking her house, while Kim accuses Kyle of being an alcoholic.
When Adrienne takes the girls to her Vegas casino hotel to see Jay-Z, it’s a blitz to the glamor of Las Vegas. Camille’s high-flying joy in Sin City is dashed when she and Kyle begin to spar. Worse, their feud continues once they return to Beverly Hills.
Taylor spends $50,000 on an elaborate tea party for her daughter’s fourth birthday, but it pales in comparison to the gift her husband gives. Camille relaxes at her Hawaii house while discussing her marriage, while Lisa gets a birthday surprise.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills show won a Critics Choice TV Award for Best Reality Series in 2011 which tied with Hoarders – a 2009 reality TV show.
The Best Episodes to Rewatch
With 17 episodes of famous moments on Bravo, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season one is filled with monumental episodes to watch.
The most memorable episodes that are regarded as monumental are those that viewers continue to speak about or that include situations that the women on the show continue to bring up. The Housewives embark on luxurious vacations, engage in intense disputes that can only be seen on the reality TV show, and create moments that are so significant that they become viral and memorable.
Below are some of the best episodes from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season one.
Plenty of Baggage: Season 1 Episode 3
As Adrienne invites the ladies to the Jay-Z performance at her Las Vegas casino resort, the Palms, the glamour of Beverly Hills meets the glitz of Las Vegas.
Camille’s husband, Kelsey Grammer, was in New York rehearsing a Broadway play, and so Camille was looking forward to the weekend trip with the girls until she and Kyle started arguing.
Unfortunately for them, what happens in Vegas does not stay in Las Vegas, and the struggle continues at home.
The Dinner Party From Hell: Season 1 Episode 9
“The Dinner Party From Hell” episode is probably one of the most well-known episodes of the TV show. A few women were already feuding at the end of the episode, but they decided to set it aside for dinner at Camille’s Malibu home.
The night took a turn for the worst when Camille introduced her friend, who was among the visitors, ended up bringing a sensitive matter, and sparks flew between all the women in a drunken yelling fight, exposing Camille and Kyle’s troubles once again.
Unforgivable: Season 1 Episode 13
There was so much going on in the “Unforgivable” episode. Kim and Kyle’s season-long feud came to a head during Taylor’s birthday party as Kyle shocked fans by revealing that Kim was an alcoholic. Taylor also argued with Kim, and Lisa Vanderpump requested Cedric, her long-term guest, to move out.
Reunion (Part 1): Season 1 Episode 14
Part 1 of the “Reunion” episode is presided over by host Andy Cohen, as resurrected Beverly Hills ladies Taylor Armstrong, Camille Grammer, Adrienne Maloof, Kim Richards, Kyle Richards, and Lisa Vanderpump shed light on the hectic activities and answer some of America’s most burning questions of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season one.
In every episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season one, the women of Beverly Hills bring drama, fashion, and luxury to the show. However, not all episodes are as engaging as the others. Some stand out as some of the most dramatic and amusing viewers, while others are simply fillers. As a result, we have discussed some of the best episodes with the strongest storylines from the award-winning TV show.
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