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Our 10 best Dunkin Donuts drinks to try right now article presents some of the finest drinks one can buy at Dunkin’ Donuts. There is so much competition now and the coffee markets between Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Tim Hortons, and so many others that everyone has had to step up their games. And this article we will look at 10 of the best Dunkin Donuts drinks and serve up an argument as to why there are favorites. We’ve come a long way since coffee was more of just a warm-weather drink. Dunkin Donuts brews up drinks for a year-round experience from hot to cold, there’s a drink that everyone will love.
# 10 – Iced Coffee
We open up our top 10 Dunkin’ Donuts drinks to try right now article with a real basic refreshing drink. It’s amazing that in the ’70s and ’80s nobody drank iced coffee. It’s such a 21st-century drink. Who would have thought that people would like to drink cold coffee? Nonetheless, coffee brewed to be served on ice defines a wonderful experience. Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee is one of the best out there. Perhaps because Dunkin’ Donuts is one of the freshest coffees served. They sell so much of it they have to keep brewing it all day long.
# 9 – Pumpkin Spice Latte
You might not be able to get this one all year round as it’s pretty much a seasonal favorite. You know when you start seeing those pumpkin items and stores everywhere around fall is on its way. the Pumpkin Spice Latte features Dunkin’ Donuts’ signature espresso combined with pumpkin spice flavor, milk, and whipped cream. This one is just so soothing.
# 8 – Hot Coffee
Yes, sometimes just the basic is one of the best and how can we forget the most basic coffee item of them all at Dunkin’ Donuts? Just a simple basic Dunkin Donuts hot coffee will always be one of our go-to choices. Dunkin’ Donuts offers a wide range of hot coffee options, including original blends, dark roast, and flavored varieties like French vanilla and cinnamon. Now if they can only just get the right mix of milk and coffee.
# 7 – Iced Matcha Latte
In the number 7 position on our top 10 Dunkin’ Donuts drinks list is the wonderful iced matcha latte. For those who enjoy a refreshing and trendy matcha drink, Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Matcha Latte is made with high-quality matcha green tea powder, milk, and sweetener. This one will make you look really cool in the office or with your friends when they ask you what is that cool looking drink that you are holding in your hand. Even the name sounds cool.
# 6 – Cold Brew
If you love coffee but sometimes it can be just a little too much on your stomach then the cold brew is for you. Hey, that rhymed. Dunkin’ Donuts’ Cold Brew is a smooth and bold iced coffee that is brewed slowly in cold water to bring out it’s rich flavors. It’s perfect for those who prefer a less acidic and smoother coffee experience. It’s awesome, totally awesome, to quote Jeff Spicoli.
# 5 – Dunkaccino
This drink has been discontinued on a lot of Dunkin’ Donuts. Even if you can’t find it anymore, out of respect to what has always been one of our favorite Dunkin’ Donuts drinks we wanted to list the Dunkaccino. Additionally, we suspect that the possible deletion of the Dunkaccino from many Dunkin’ Donuts stands is actually a ploy to make people want even more and then bring it back just like Taco Bell did with the Mexican Pizza. Remember how Disney used to release their movies on videotape and say they would be gone forever after a limited release, but you knew they were bringing them back again. For those who don’t know what the Dunkaccino is or was and are not familiar with Adam Sandler or Al Pacino, the Dunkaccino is a mix of Dunkin’ Donuts’ hot chocolate and coffee, topped with whipped cream.
# 4 – Caramel Macchiato
How many times have you driven up to Dunkin’ Donuts and wondered what is a macchiato? Well, we will tell you. A macchiato is a classic espresso-based drink that features steamed milk, vanilla syrup, and shots of espresso, topped with a little bit of caramel. It’s a pretty awesome drink that is sweet and offers a rich option for caramel lovers.
# 3 – Iced Tea
For every ten coffee drinkers there is probably at least one tea drinker, unless of course, you live in England. However, we’re not just talking hot standard tea here. For non-coffee drinkers, Dunkin’ Donuts also offers a variety of iced tea options, including black tea, green tea, and flavored teas like peach and raspberry. For many, the choice of hot and cold teas offer a refreshing and lighter alternative to coffee-based drinks.
# 2 – Hot Chocolate
At the number two position on our Dunkin’ Donuts best drinks list is none other than the classic hot chocolate. This one is just perfect for chocolate lovers, Dunkin’ Donuts’ Hot Chocolate is rich and creamy and made with real cocoa, milk, and whipped cream. It’s a warm-feeling choice for those who crave a chocolaty beverage. You won’t be disappointed with this one, trust me.
# 1 – Coolatta
With the power of Starbucks very popular Frappuccino series like the Mocha Frappuccino and Caramel Frappuccino Dunkin’ Donuts had to do something to combat Starbuck’s dominance in that market. The chain which seems to have been around forever came up with its version of the Frappuccino called the Coolatta. While Dunkin’ Donuts Coolatta lacks the same consistency of the legendary Mocha Frappuccino, it does stand as a really great alternative to Starbucks. The Dunkin’ Donuts Coolatta has a much thicker consistency than the Frappuccino. However, it does seem a lot less sweet than Starbucks. For some, that’s a much more enjoyable coffee experience, while others are probably looking more for the sugary Slurpee style that the Frappuccino offers. In the end, this is absolutely our favorite coffee drink at Dunkin’ Donuts.
10 Best Dunkin Donuts Drinks To Try Right Now article published on BigCityReview.com© 2023
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